Seated room with a view into the fire test demonstration rooms

Fire test lab

Experience fire protection live

For decades, WAGNER­ has been synonymous with groundbreaking fire protection solutions and the highest level of safety standards. In our fire test lab, we perform fire tests to develop and optimize systems and offer practical fire demonstrations for your target group. Our many years of expertise, innovative technologies and flexible testing methods enable us to realize both standardized and customized tests and demos. This helps to ensure results that are tailored exactly to your requirements.


The basis of your tested solution

Fire tests lay the foundation for developing and configuring reliable, efficient fire protection systems. In our lab, we examine the ignition limits of specific materials and determine the ideal extinguishing agent concentration for your applications. We also work in close collaboration with assessors to achieve the best possible results. Our tests are performed under controlled conditions at temperatures from -30°C to room temperature, always accompanied by state-of-the-art measurement technology and video monitoring. They are carried out in accordance with the applicable German standards DIN EN 16750 and VdS 3527, or according to country-specific or custom regulations.

In the fire laboratory, the ignition threshold of cardboard packaging is determined under deep-freeze conditions
The burning behavior of various materials is demonstrated in a fire demonstration


Experience fire protection

Our fire demonstrations provide a unique opportunity to experience our innovative technologies live and in action. In our demo area, we present practical scenarios that showcase the functional principle of our TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors and their impressive response speed. You will also learn how the oxygen reduction principle works, while seeing first-hand how effective our OxyReduct® active fire prevention system is. Each demonstration is tailored to the needs of the respective target group to highlight the protective effect of our systems under real conditions.


Optimal conditions for your fire tests

Our fire tests and demonstrations are carried out exclusively in our own labs and in our demo area, or in specially designed facilities. This enables us to ensure the highest level of quality, reliability and safety, regardless of the circumstances on site.

Stacked squares


A modern, flexible measurement system for precisely capturing individual parameters

Dartboard as an icon

Oxygen reduction

Technical possibility to reduce oxygen down to 6 vol. %

Eye as an icon

Robust and temperature-resistant

A wide temperature range from -30°C to room temperature

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Different ignition sources for a wide range of testing methods

Icon screen with a heart

Video monitoring

Technical video monitoring for detailed observation and analysis of tests

Icon of a checklist

Remote participation

Option to participate remotely via Microsoft Teams to monitor tests from any location

Dirk Band: Director Sales Division

Interested in a tailored fire test or an exclusive fire demonstration?

Contact us for individual consultation and schedule a meeting with our experts.

Dirk Band

Director Sales Division
